Face Recognition Attendance System

  • Category: AI - Computer Vision
  • Client: Test porpose
  • Project date: 27-09-2023
  • Project URL: Click here

Portfolio detail


  • Initialize Firebase:
  • Setup Webcam and Background Image:
  • Load Known Faces and Student IDs:
  • Recognize and Track Faces:
  • Process Recognized Faces:

Libraries Used:

This Python program uses various libraries for tasks such as face recognition, database interaction, and image processing:

  • os
  • pickle
  • cv2 (OpenCV)
  • face_recognition
  • cvzone
  • firebase_admin
  • numpy
  • datetime


This Python program is a Facial Recognition Attendance System that performs the following tasks:

  • Initialize Firebase for database and storage access.
  • Setup the webcam and background image for face recognition.
  • Load known faces and student IDs from an encoding file.
  • Recognize and track faces in real-time using the webcam.
  • Process recognized faces, update student attendance data, and display information.
It utilizes various libraries to achieve these tasks, including OpenCV for image processing, face_recognition for face recognition, and Firebase for data storage.